Sunday 2 March 2014

Today's Secret's - 2/03/14 - Clothes cleaning and hints to make them last longer

Ok by special request - Clothing. Washing and mending, hints and tips on making clothes last longer.

If you go out to buy trousers but have no time to try them on then wrap the waist of the trousers (still done up) around your neck, if the ends touch then they will fit your waist. To check socks wrap them around your clenched fist, if the heel meets the toe then they will fit.

I hate static on my clothes and have always used hairspray to stop skirts sticking to my legs or tops to my tummy but you can also use metal, a safety pin put inside a top or skirt that you know gets static filled will eliminate it. Other metal works too.

Put woolies in a pillow case when washing to protect them and keep them in shape, using glycerine in the wash can stop them being itchy and spray them lightly with hairspray to stop them shedding.

Bicarbonate of soda can boost your washing detergent liquid, soften your water and save you using fabric conditioner.
Use slightly less detergent than recommended to stop clothes retaining detergent after a wash and keep them looking newer longer.

Get out blood stains by getting the person who's blood it is to suck on the stain (Yuck!). Their saliva will help remove it.
Use methylated spirits to remove grass stains, for coffee use egg yolk and glycerine and sweat stains can be removed with a soak of vinegar before washing.

Dirty collar's on white shirt's? Oily hair shampoo can help remove the dirt ring. A couple of crushed aspirin in the wash can also help.
For really grubby work clothes (Not white ones) pour a can of coke over them, soak and then wash them.
White socks gone grey? use lemon juice on them, soak them for five minute and then boil them to make them white again.

Turn white t-shirts inside out when washing and dry in the shade to stop them yellowing.

If you use a line to dry your clothes then remember to wash your pegs now and then as they can leave dirty marks on your clothes.

If you iron a piece of clothing and it looks shiny. Dampen a cloth and place it over the shine them steam iron for a short while. Remove the cloth and check the item if it still looks shiny then repeat until it looks better. Still shiny? Dry a little black coffee brushed over them and repeat the above.
To put in a good lasting crease for work trousers put a tiny bit of paper glue on the inside of the trouser leg along the crease and then iron.

If clothes keep falling off their hangers use a rubber band on each end of the hanger to keep them in place.

Worried about damp in your cupboards? Add a few sticks of chalk to soak it up. Moths don't like bay leaves or cedar chips so put a few of those in as well.

Buttons keep falling off? Use a little nail varnish on the thread to strengthen it.
Mend a hem in an emergency with a stapler.
Sometimes jeans get a white line down them, if your in a hurry use a blue felt pen to fill it in. If you have a little longer then use some blue dye mixed with water and brush it on to the white areas carefully.

Treat wigs with fabric conditioner to keep them looking great.

Trying to save money? Don't be afraid to look in charity shops and boot sale's for clothes. Sometimes you can get a real bargain. I hate to buy children's clothes and shoes brand new as they grow so quickly, nearly new sales and other places sell off items that are still in great condition and at a fraction of the cost. Wash all items thoroughly when you get home as although they may be clean you may find you or your children's skin won't get on with what ever washing powder the previous owner used.

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