Saturday 1 March 2014

Today's secret's -01-03-14 Pest control - deter and remove beasties from your home

Ok today is about pest's. The small invaders in your home and I don't include children in this! lol

The best weapon you have against bugs is to vacuum your house even under the sofa and behind furniture. Make sure they have no safe haven to hide.

Woodlice like it damp so use talc to dry out area's and don't over water house plants.

Book lice can be killed by using a hair-dryer on it's highest heat to blast them away. Use a tumble dryer to kill bed bugs in pillows or moth eggs in clothes.
Beg bugs love a warm bed so keep bed clothes folded down in the day time to air the bed and to deter the bugs.

Spiders like it warm and the like to climb up drainpipes. When you let out the warm bath water or washing up water send an icy blast down to make the pipes cold. This will stop them from climbing up in search of a cosy spot.

Beetles and small flies will lay their eggs in flour and sugar so put it in an air tight container to stop them getting in. This is a good idea for most food as it will only encourage bugs if left open or exposed.

Ants hate salt, pepper, chalk and curry powder. Use any to deter them.

Keep flies away with bunches of elderflowers and deter them and other bugs from bothering you on a warm afternoon by drinking some tonic and lemon/lime it puts pests off. For keeping away mosquitoes eat Marmite or anything high in vitamin B.

Might have mice? put down some talc and see if foot prints appear. Found a mouse hole? Put toothpaste around it. They hate the minty smell as do rats but you need a very strong peppermint oil to deter them.

Put screwed up chicken wire into gaps or spaces in the roof to stop squirrels and birds coming in. The same in sheds but to deter rabbits use human hair or see if your neighbours have a cat and will give you some cat hair as this can be placed in the loft/shed and when fresh it can scare away most small animals.

Water and a little washing up liquid mixed with some citrus oil makes a good insect spray.

Found a wasp nest? Put a garlic clove that is bruised and battered by the entrance, they will soon leave.

If you can handle it and want one, buy a cat. They will keep your house free of many bugs and will scare off most rodents.

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