Friday 28 February 2014

Todays secrets 28/02/14 - Food, Never waste leftovers - hints and tips to make food last longer.

By special request today I shall be giving some handy hints on how not to waste food.

There are no such thing as bin-able left overs in my house. I always have a use for everything.

Potato peelings can be fried up like chips and eaten (wash well first) They taste really nice and have lots of handy nutrients in them. (I keep mine in water in a sealed container until the next day so I can use them with something for lunch like fish fingers or eggs) To stop potato's sprouting in the cupboard add an apple (never store onions with potato's they go off much quicker).

Any citrus peel can be dried out and used as fire lighters for a barbecue or real fire they also make it smell lovely. Orange peel is good to freeze along with other bits of left over fruit or fruit that looks like it might be about to turn. Put it all in a small bag, freeze and then add to drinks instead of ice cubes. Yummy and looks really pretty. Banana's freeze exceptionally well, just peel and put in a bag. Good to use for cakes and loafs.
You can also freeze most fresh herbs and when you need them don't defrost them just rub the frozen plant between your fingers to sprinkle it in to the dish.

Old wrinkly lemons and limes can be restored by boiling for about two minutes in hot water. Never keep bananas with other fruit in the bowl as they release chemicals that ripen's the other fruit quickly and makes it start to go off sooner.

Stop fruit going mouldy in the bowl by adding a sheet of kitchen roll at the bottom, it absorbs moisture. This will also work with the salad draw or you can use a clean sponge.

Left over wine? (Hah!) Any wine can be frozen as cubes to put into soups, stock and stews.

Carrots will stay fresh in the fridge for weeks in a sealed container if you top and tail them first. An onion put into the fridge for a few hours before cutting will be hard pressed to make you cry and if you singe their root end they stay fresh longer.

Eggs will stay fresher longer if you store them pointed side down.

Stop your cheese from going all hard in the fridge, spread a little butter or margarine over the surface before you wrap it up.

Put old teabags into potted plants to pep them up but take them out of the cup before you put in the sugar. Filter coffee left overs are great for cleaning grease from pans and also left over grounds are good for deterring ants.

Ham or bacon a little dried out? Soak it in milk for a few minutes to see it restored.

Rice freezes very well and can be kept for ages.

Old crisps or crackers that you are thinking of chucking out? Don't! Use them instead on the top of the meat layer in a cottage/sheppard's pie, place them on the top and then pipe or spoon your mashed potato on top. If tastes lovely and keeps the mash fluffy. This can also be done with a fish pie but check the flavour of the crisps won't over power the taste of the fish.

Meat for the stew pot a little tough? No problem just add a few corks (real ones) from your wine bottles to the stew. They tenderise the meat and reduce cooking time. Just remember to take them out before serving! lol

Use up all the left overs from most meals (a roast, a curry, even a chinese) and freeze them individually (So don't mix curry and sausage and mash, unless you like that sort of thing!) Then when you fancy a soup take out a bag, defrost and put it in the blender with some cream, yoghurt or water. Blend well and heat up on the stove, add seasoning or a stock cube for taste and serve your home made soup with some crusty bread. Another use for roasts or dishes that include potato is to mix it up a bit in the food processor and then fry it up for some tasty bubble and squeak.

Use items in the bottom/back of your freezer often if you don't rotate your purchases as you put your shopping away. I find if I grab two things from the bottom of my freezer, I then challenge myself to find a recipe to use them up. It means I try something new and older food gets used up before it goes bad.
The same goes for the fridge or the larder. Some tins can sit on the shelf for ages and them end up in the bin. Better that you find a use for them. Example - I had some tins of macaroni dessert in a sweet custard like sauce, we had tried a tin for dessert and hated it but I refused to throw it away. I opened a tin and sieved the macaroni catching the sauce in a bowl. I gently washed the circles of macaroni and noticed that they looked like spaghetti hoops. I cooked them in some tomato juice, a little purée and a splash of tomato ketchup and served it like spaghetti hoops they got eaten rather quickly by my lot. I then thickened the left over sweet sauce in the bowl with some flour and simmered it for a while. I added sliced banana and we had banana and custard for dessert. I used up the tins and everyone was happy. Simple but effective.

Hang up apple cores from a tree or fence in your garden to help feed the birds.

Lastly, try not to buy what you don't need. If something is buy two get one free but you could never get around to eating it then it is NOT a bargain just a waste. See how much you can find a way to re-use and remember if it is not sweet or meat then it can go on the compost heap! x

Thursday 27 February 2014

Secrets for today 27/02/14 - Shoes tips to save you money and keep your shoes lovely

Ahhhh one of my favourite subjects today. Shoes!

I love my shoes and try to take care of them but I like ways that save me money. So here we go.

Shoe shopping, if you can afford it! Go at the end of the day as your feet swell and the shoes will fit better. Also always try on both shoes as your shape and size may vary between feet and it is best to check both.

If the soles of your shoes feel slippery then rub them with sandpaper.

For a waterproof coating use a coat of floor wax.

To make leather shoes last longer use saddle soap to clean them.
Run out of shoe polish? you can use floor wax, glass spray or furniture polish. Black shoes can be polished well with the inside of a orange skin and for brown shoes you can use the inside of a banana skin but don't buff them just let them dry.
Prevent scuff marks with a little clear nail varnish over the toe and heel area.
Scuff marks can be covered with felt pen but do it slowly and build up the colour.

Stiletto's can get marks on the heels, spray them with a matching car paint as it lasts longer or for a quick fix use a felt pen.
Look up how to replace your own heel tips, it is quite easy and the tips cost only a few pennies. It can save you a fortune on shoe repairs.

Suede shoes can be cleaned with a pencil eraser or freshen them up by putting them over some steam from the kettle or a pan of water.

Patent leather can be made shiny again with petroleum jelly, vegetable oil or furniture polish and buff with some tissue or newspaper.

White Trainers? Keep them looking whiter longer by spraying them with starch when you get them. Bathroom and kitchen cleaner can work a treat on white trainers.

Canvas shoes can be cleaned with carpet shampoo.

Satin shoes can get very stained, white spirit will remove water marks but always check first on a small area.

Smelly shoes? Use some orange peel, a fabric sheet or bicarbonate of soda in them over night. For trainers or boots you can put a little unused cat litter into a sock and put inside over night.

Try to give your shoes a rest, don't wear the same pair every day. Give them a rest to dry out and it is good for your feet not to go into the same space every day.

Lastly, love your shoes and your feet. x

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Today's Secrets (26/02/14) - Cars tips and hints to save you money

Cars today, I hope some of my thoughts save you time or money.

Stop windows steaming up with a little washing up liquid rubbed over them or half a potato! Make sure you wipe them down well afterwards and don't get any on the paint work.

Spray glass cleaner on the cloth not the glass it saves using too much and it won't get on the paintwork to damage it.

For a quick and easy way to clean your car, watch for the rain and then go out and rub in some car shampoo let it rain and then once it stops go out and leather it off. You save water and time.

Use lemonade on chrome wheels as it makes them come up a treat.

Inside the car damp down the upholstery to remove fluff and dust, then use rubber gloves to collect any hairs. Do this often and you will be able to away with hoovering less.

Smelly car? Use a cleaner that has bactericide in it as it is the bacteria that smells.

At the garage always make sure you ask about any extra charges that are not explained. If the garage says you need a new part then ask for the old part back in the box supplied for the new part. They then have to use NEW parts and they actually have to do the work.
If they say they need to change the oil then ask what oil they need and go and buy your own. It means you get to see the price and not pay huge mark ups.

Need to do an emergency repair on a bolt but the spanner is slightly too big? Use a coin to fill the gap. If the bolt is rusty then pour some cola on it and let it dry, it should make it easier to move.

Rear light smashed but the bulb is ok? then use a bit of red plastic (carrier bag ) to cover it until you can get to a garage and if your indicator light goes then use the one from your fog light until you can buy a new one.

Lastly if you get stuck in the mud use your rubber mats from the seat wells under the wheels to help get some purchase. Rock the car slightly and drive it back and forward a tiny bit before trying to get out.


Tuesday 25 February 2014

Today's secrets and tips - (25/02/14) Pet care, cats, dogs and birds

Hi, thought I would do Pet care and saving money today.

Dogs - Fleas can be deterred by putting a garlic capsule in your dogs food, using tea tree oil in it's bath or a dash of cider vinegar in the final rinse.
Put dog shampoo (you can use baby shampoo if you need to) into a squeezy bottle and add 50% water, the solution is easier to use and won't clump up the hair and it will last twice as long. If the dog has rolled in something nasty then try some tomato ketchup to help remove the smell.

If your dog chews the furniture try rubbing it with vapour rub or oil of cloves as a deterrent.
Dog barking at people walking by? Don't yell at it as it will think you are joining in. Talk to it firmly and quietly and move it from the window saying "SHHHHH" in a low tone.
Make your own chew toy with a hollow bone and some cream cheese spread thinly inside or use a rubber bone and make a small hole in the material then push dog treats inside, the dog will be amused for hours.

To clean a dogs teeth wrap a fabric plaster around your finger and put a drop of bicarbonate of soda on it then rub over the teeth.
A chamois leather will make a short haired dogs coat gleam.

Cats - Use an old baking tray as a litter tray and fill it with soil if you don't want to pay out for cat litter. Stop them using your lawn as a toilet by putting down pepper.

Give a cat a glossy coat by rubbing its coat with a cotton ball dipped in diluted vinegar.

Make your own catnip toy with some tights and catnip rolled up into a ball and tied off or make a cat maze with cardboard boxes (cut a few holes in the boxes to make them even more fun).

Stop cats scratching the furniture by using a citrus based oil or lemon furniture spray to make them steer clear. Make a cat it's own scratching post with an old table or chair and some carpet tiles stuck to the legs and top.

Too much milk can cause diarrhoea so feed cats water.

Yawn at your cat to show it you are enjoying it's company.

Birds - Rub new wire cages with vinegar to get rid of excess zinc. Use branches in the cage for variety, willow or bamboo is good but not cherry tree as it is toxic. Use paper in the bottom it is cheap and also great for stopping bacteria spreading. Never use sandpaper as the particles can get stuck in a birds feet and cause infection.

A cheap play stand can be made with a bucket of sand and bits of old tree pushed into it also a free toy can be found in a fir cone.

If a birds egg gets a small crack you can fix it with clear nail varnish and this will usually hold it.

Collect berries in the autumn and freeze them for use as treats the rest of the year. Finches also like dandelions and some birds like to eat crickets or meal worms if you can catch them.

Monday 24 February 2014

Today's secrets (24/02/14) Party Tips for the perfect dinner party.

Ok, firstly don't try too hard.

If you make dishes that take lots of work or you have never prepared before there is a high chance it could all go wrong.
Stick to dishes you know and try to find a way to present them that gives a wow factor. Also complicated dishes could mean you spend the whole night in the kitchen, neglecting your guests. So find dishes you can prepare in advance, a chilled dessert or a salad to start.

Try to mix it up a bit, start with fish then have meat or vice versa. Don't have too many spices in one course or it could ruin the taste buds for the next.

Set your heating lower than normal as the guests will generate their own heat.

For a sweet smell and to disguise odours from fish or cabbage put some orange peel in the oven on a low heat or some cloves and vinegar in boiling water can also help.

Burnt a pan? Leave cold tea in it over night and you should find the black crust is easier to remove.

Mash potato all runny? Add a beaten egg white and put in the oven for about 15 minutes on a medium heat.

To make dishes that go a little further try a stew or cover dishes in sauce. One piece of chicken on someone's plate looks a little sparse but cover it in sauce with some mushrooms and onions in it or other veg and it looks like so much more. The same can be said for fish and vegetable dishes.

Sprinkle any plain dish with a little parsley or cress over the top just before serving and it can look much fancier.

Table cloth seen better days? put rose petals on the table or cut out shapes from tissue paper and sprinkle them on the table cloth.

If you run out of eggs when making a cake then just add a teaspoon of vinegar for each missing egg. Don't try this for more than half of the needed eggs (4 eggs needed then use 2 eggs and 2 spoons of vinegar but no more)

Dishwasher powder all run out? Mix a drop of washing up liquid (only a drop) with baking soda and use this instead.

Line weighing scales with cling film before you weigh sticky ingredients as it makes it easier to clean out.

To thicken runny gravy add a little instant mashed potato powder.

Keep all left over vegetables and meat in a container in the fridge and the next day when you are tired from the night before, add a stock cube and a little water or cream and then blend the left overs to make a tasty soup.

Cooking cauliflower, then add a little milk to the water to keep it whiter than white, if you find it a little bland then add a chicken stock cube to the water.

Serving wine? Then also serve water as it makes the wine last longer and quenches everyone's thirst. Also serve your best wines first and then bring out cheaper wines once everyone is enjoying themselves too much to notice.

Meat a little tough? Squirt a little lemon juice on it before serving.

 Lastly to avoid a hangover have a slice of toast with honey, a large glass of water and a headache tablet (check the label) just before bed, this will help to keep you hangover free the next morning. ENJOY!

Sunday 23 February 2014

Today's secret - Salad to last longer

Welcome to my hints and tips page.

I have made this blog to try to help others save time and money.
At the moment I am on a strict budget as our roof blew off in the recent storms and a new one has cost a fortune. (Don't speak to me about insurance companies!) Therefore I am trying to find ways to make things go a little further and cost a LOT less. So if like me you are trying to save cash then come back and I will try to help.
If you have any tips as well please feel free to post them. Ok lets get started......

I have found that if I want to make my lettuce stay fresh longer then I keep it in the fridge wrapped in some paper towel inside a plastic bag - find it still went limp? Simple, put it in a bowl with a bit of clean rinsed coal. (try B&Q or ebay for a piece)

Soggy tomatoes? (No I am not being rude. lol ) Place them in salty water for ten minutes to firm them up and remember if you keep your tomatoes in the fridge then take them out at least ten minutes before eating as this will make them juicier and tastier to eat.

For a fresh home made salad dressing mix a squeeze of lemon with a pinch of paprika then mix into some plain yoghurt with a sprinkle of either parsley or mustard cress. Yummy.

Chopping up pickled beetroot but hate the mess on your chopping board? well use the lid of the jar to hold the beetroot in place and to stop red stains. If you get some stains on your hands then just rub them with a little raw potato - this also works with red cabbage stains.

To clean the cheese grater after use grate a little of the raw potato mentioned above - it cleans the gunk from the holes.

Use different sides of your chopping board for things that smell strongly and things that don't as the strong smells can contaminate the rest and ruin a good meal.

If like me you get in a mess with cling film then put it in the fridge for a while before use as it makes it easier to handle.

Lastly if you add chilli's to your salad and your fingers start to tingle or hurt then rub a little vinegar over them to neutralise the burn.

I hope some of these helped. x